The Quiet Center

Feeling compressed by end-of-year plans and tasks? You’re not alone! When there isn’t time and space to do an Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lesson, I usually turn to art when my energy is running low.

A painting like the one above by Hammershøi, for example, instills in me a similar sense of quiet and calm that I get from ATM. Or when my only reading of the day has been the news and my to-do list, a poem like Edith Henrich’s The Quiet Center reminds me to open a little space to experience a sense of inward sky.

I will draw on the deep sense of calm and spaciousness that I get from these two artists in crafting this month’s Rest & Reset class. There will be no requirements, only invitations, to move with ease and to allow plenty of time to just BE.


from old strengths to new strengths


a solution that fits into the ecology