Something is given

three garlic scapes in a small round vase on a wooden table

…if one looks long enough at almost anything, looks with absolute attention at a flower, a stone, the bark of a tree, grass, snow, a cloud, something like a revelation takes place. Something is “given”…

This passage is from May Sarton’s Journal of a Solitude. It’s a lovely one to relate to your movement practice. When your attention is directed toward your internal sensations and experience, what is given?

Feel free to let me know. I always enjoy hearing from you!

A friendly reminder that I’m teaching in Greece with the Marina Abramović Institute so my regular classes will be on pause for August. I made a handful of short videos—very short, that 90 second cut off comes quick—for Instagram that will be posted each Monday in August. Each video offers 1 action to study for 5 minutes. It’s a micro practice that you can slip into your day when you have a small sliver of time.


how to notice


with a soft attitude