Simplicity works

blue sky, greek village and mountains

Hello from the Greek mountains! Once again I’m teaching a Cleaning the House workshop with the Marina Abramović Institute. It’s a silent, fasting retreat where participants commit to doing one action at a time for a looong time.

I enjoy teaching at these retreats because I see a similar transformation in people here that I see in my Moving Whole classes. People become more comfortable in their own skin. They are calmer and more present. I know it’s easier to find balance in a beautiful setting outside of one’s regular responsibilities, but with intention, we can create moments of calm throughout our day.

How? The power of the pause. Taking the time to be present with time. We think we need more dramatic conditions for accessing ease but I’m continually impressed in my own life by how much can shift in just a minute or two of siting and staring off into space. ”Doing nothing.”

But as I say in my classes, don’t take my word for it. Find it in your own experience. If you want to try it, I invite you to take 3 one or two-minute pauses throughout your day for the next week. Is that a meaningful practice? Is it enough? Does it encourage you to carve out more moments of pause? Let me know how it goes!


warm, soft silence


pathological doing