Let what you do not know come into your eyes.

Please bring strange things.
Please come bringing new things.
Let very old things come into your hands.
Let what you do not know come into your eyes.


Ursula K. Le Guin, best known for her science fiction novels, imagined many possible new ways that life could work differently than it currently does. Le Guin felt that her new worlds weren’t made up, but that they were already there waiting to be discovered. In this wonderful NYT piece, Le Guin says her job is not to entertain but to get people to think. For themselves.

I feel similarly about Awareness Through Movement (and other somatic approaches). My job is not to tell you what to do, but to provide a framework and conditions that will invite you to learn from yourself. In this approach, we are collaborators and we both get to be surprised and delighted by your discoveries.

What new possibilities are there waiting to be discovered in your own body?


We like to imagine that it’s possible for life to be one eternal summer…


what can become of rest, more rest?